Emergency Dentist

at Dentalcare Winterbourne

What is a dental emergency at Dentalcare Winterbourne ?

A dental emergency could be when you experience pain or trauma to your mouth, teeth or gums.

If you have any of the below, and you cannot get an appointment with us the same day, then please visit your local A & E department immediately.

We consider a dental emergency to be anything that gives you pain or trauma. This can include:

  • Uncontrollable post-extraction bleeding
  • Rapidly increasing swelling around the throat or eye
  • Trauma confined to the dental arches

If you have any of the below then please get in touch to book an emergency dental appointment.

  •  Severe facial and dental pain not controlled by over-the-counter medications
  • Soft tissue and dental acute infections (such as an abscess)

If you think you have a dental emergency, or you’re not sure if you have a dental emergency, then contact our receptionist for advice.

Getting an emergency dental appointment in Dentalcare Winterbourne

1 in 4 people will experience dental trauma at some point over the course of their lifetime. This can include chipped or broken teeth, split lips or cuts to the tongue, root fractures and loss of teeth.

We know that dental emergencies can be stressful for you as well as for supporting family, friends and carers. We therefore aim to see patients within 24 hours of calling, please contact us as early as you can.

If you have a dental emergency outside of our usual opening hours, please phone 111 who are available until 9.30pm every day, and from 8am until 9.30pm on weekends and bank holidays who will offer you advice and support on what to do.

Emergency Dentist

Book your appointment for Emergency Dentist

Advice for some common dental emergencies in Dentalcare Winterbourne

Here is some advice for some of the more common dental emergencies.

Toothache or pain

If you’re experiencing any pain, take paracetamol or painkillers. A cold compress to the cheek can also help with the pain and rinsing your mouth in salty water can also help. Avoid hot and cold food and drinks.

Knocked-out tooth

If you have a knocked-out tooth, don’t touch the root, only handle the crown of the tooth. If you’re able to put the tooth back into your gum, you will have more chance of saving it. If not, then keep the tooth in milk not water until you get to the emergency dentist. Do not remove any tissue fragments from the lost tooth. Apply pressure with a clean piece of cloth to the gum to control any bleeding.


Take painkillers and rinse your mouth in salty water to alleviate the pain.

Frequently asked questions about dental emergencies 

My filling has come out, what should I do?

Phone us for a dental emergency appointment. Where possible, save the filling or any part of the filling and take them with you to the emergency dentist.

My child has fallen and knocked out their baby tooth, what should I do?

If your child has injured themselves, you may want to see medical help from a doctor. Try to stop any bleeding from the mouth by applying a soft cloth with gentle pressure. Do not re-insert the tooth into your child’s mouth, instead keep the tooth in a cup of milk until you get to the emergency dentist. Give your child painkiller for any pain but remember to keep to the dosage on the packet.

My wisdom teeth are hurting, what can I do?

Take some painkillers to help alleviate the pain and book an appointment to see the emergency dentist. At your appointment your dentist will be able to advise you on the next course of action which could mean having your wisdom teeth removed or waiting until they have come through.

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