General Dentistry

At Dentalcare Winterbourne

NHS and private dentistry available in Dentalcare Winterbourne

At Dentalcare Winterbourne, regular dental check-up appointments forms the backbone of our care and service to you and your family. In seeing you regularly we can spot any issues as and when they arise and treat them quickly before they get worse.

Our preventative approach helps to maintain your long-term oral health and avoids the need for any costly treatment. In protecting your oral health, your overall health will benefit too.

NHS dental patients

We are dedicated to the NHS and believe that dental care should be available for everyone. Most general treatments and any that are essential to your dental or overall health are available on the NHS. Costs and contributions can be seen on our NHS page.

Private dental patients

Cosmetic dentistry treatments are not available on the NHS as they are not considered to be essential. Just like NHS patients, private patients will be offered the same high standard of care from our staff. We operate a transparent pricing policy.

General Dentistry

Book your appointment for General Dentistry

General dentistry treatments available in Winterbourne

Here are some of the general dentistry treatments that we offer at Dentalcare Winterbourne


  • Regular Check-Up. You should be visiting your dentist every 6 to 12 months to ensure that your teeth and mouth are healthy. This will also prevent any issues from arising such as tooth decay and gum disease. Your dentist will ask you if you’ve experienced any problems since your last visit and will check for any issues such as tooth wear, jaw joint problems, overcrowding, signs of gum disease or tooth decay.
  • Fillings. If you have any cavities, we can offer you amalgam or white fillings to restore and protect teeth. White fillings are usually seen as cosmetic dental treatments and so will have a higher cost.
  • Root Canal. When the blood or nerve supply to the tooth becomes infected, it can become painful. We remove all the infection from the root canal to prevent the spread of infection
  • Dentures. We make dentures to fit you perfectly and these can either be for several or all missing teeth. We check to see the fitting of your dentures as well as checking on your general oral health.
  • Emergencies. Whether you’ve chipped or fractured your tooth or have a painful toothache, we know that dental emergencies can be frightening. We aim to see all dental emergency appointments within 24 hours of calling.
  • Hygienist. Your dental hygienist focuses specifically on the heath of your gums and protecting the health of your teeth through oral hygiene. You should aim to see your hygienist twice a year.
  • Extractions. The removal of a tooth can occur because the health of the tooth is failing, or because it is part of a planned treatment such as dental implants or teeth straightening. Whatever the situation, your dentist will numb your gum and mouth with a local anaesthetic so that you cannot feel any pain at all.
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